Introduce Daily Phonics to Help Students Identify Phonics and Syllable Patterns in Words
Phonics is one the building blocks of literacy and is an essential component to reading proficiency. In order to read with accuracy and automaticity, students need to be able to map sounds to letters AND letters to sounds.
Once students have sound-letter correspondence in place, they need opportunities to practice automatically recognizing sounds within words. Decoding strategies alone are not enough!
To help students quickly and correctly identify the sounds, patterns, and syllables within words, I use Daily Phonics Word Work pages for phonics and spelling practice.
Daily Phonics Spelling + Phonics Word Work Pages
Daily Phonics is a quick and easy “print + go” activity that can be easily integrated into your daily routines. Once students are familiar with the task, each page should only take about five minutes to complete.
Each resource includes 40 “Daily Phonics” pages (20 per month), as well as directions pages, answer keys, and instructional posters. There is a printable and digital version for each set of pages to fit your classroom needs.
Daily Phonics provides opportunities for students to identify:
- short & long vowel sounds
- beginning & end sounds
- consonant blends
- digraphs
- diphthongs
- r-controlled vowels
- syllables
Students will also have daily practice with:
- illustrating the word
- writing the word 3x
- unscrambling a sentence with the word in context
- identifying the word in a list of similar words
Print + Digital
There are printable and digital page options for every month. Posters, directions, and answer keys are also included!
Activity Prep
Depending on your plans and goals for Daily Phonics, there are a few easy prep options for this activity.
Printable Version
If you are using the printable version, just copy the pages and create folders for each student to complete at their desks or at home. (See images below!)
If 40 pages are too much to copy for your budget, you can also create Daily Phonics pages that you can reuse year after year. All you have to do is laminate each page or use sheet protectors. I love these dry erase pockets (affiliate link) for completing activity pages that you wish to reuse and save!
With reusable mats, students can write on the pages with dry-erase markers and then wipe-off when they’re done. Wet-erase markers also work nicely if you don’t want students to erase or smudge their work each day. Worried about not having accountability with erasable pages? Take a photo and add it to a digital student work folder using Google Drive, Dropbox, or Notability.
Digital Version
If you use personal devices in the classroom, upload the file to a PDF annotating app for students to complete independently, or you can assign the digital Google Slides version in Google Classroom or SeeSaw. With the Google Slides version, students can drag and drop the different elements to mark the sound and syllable patterns. There are editable boxes for students to practice spelling the words, as well!
Integrating Phonics Review Into Your Daily Routine
There are many ways to use this resource as part of your everyday routine. Keep in mind, you may need to model, guide, and coach throughout the first month!
If you’re interested in making this part of your morning routine, you can assign a scribe each day and project the pages to have students complete together as a daily warm-up. Daily Phonics also works great for literacy centers, or independent work stations. There are many possibilities for how to use this resource, so it’s up to you how you want to integrate it into your day-to-day routines.
Additional Resources
If you like this activity but are looking for an editable word work mat to use with any word during your lessons, check out my Phonics Word Work Mats. This resource is perfect for your Orton Gillingham based programs and lessons, or for lessons where you may need students to break apart words into parts. (Blog post about this resource is coming soon!)
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