A Lil Bit O’ St. Patrick’s Day Fun!

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Each year, I try to bring a little bit of St. Patrick’s Day fun into my RTI program, and my goal is to incorporate holiday-themed activities with interventions that are already in place. I like to plan a variety of poetry, language, and phonics activities appropriate for each of my groups. Here’s a quick snapshot of a few of the activities we did this year!

Literacy resources for St. Patrick's Day fun. Check out the blog post for phonics, poetry, and language activities to promote literacy skills.

A Lil Bit O’ Figurative Language

My fifth graders have been focusing on figurative language and analyzing poetry. I’ve been trying break down the different figurative language elements and terms throughout the week, while providing them with a variety of practice opportunities. Today, as a warm up, I had my group complete a fun practice St. Patrick’s Day writing task on the iPads (Read more about how to “go paperless” here!). Students had to brainstorm sentences for each of the different examples of figurative language.

Want a copy of the worksheet I shared with my students? It is FREE for my email subscribers. If you’d like to download this worksheet, click here to subscribe (you will get the password via email). You will also receive exclusive access to my entire growing collection of free literacy resources! (If you’re already a subscriber, you may download the resource HERE.)


A Lil Bit O’ Word Work

This page is part of my Daily Phonics program. I don’t use Daily Phonics with all of my decoding students, but today my second grade groups worked through a page together! This is always a great assessment for me, to see where their phonics skills are. (NOTE: Most of my students completed these on the iPads, but for the classrooms I push-into I had paper copies for them to complete. Daily Phonics is a great paperless warm-up for students!)


A Lot Bit O’ Poetry

I love, love, LOVE using poetry to celebrate the holidays! So many of my students need fluency practice, so poetry is a wonderful intervention for reinforcing these skills.

Here are a few of my own that I used this week:


How do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

I would love to hear about St. Patrick’s Day interventions and activities you use with your students! Please share in the comments below.

Happy Teaching! 

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