5 Ways to Use Popsicle Sticks for Small Group Reading

5 Ways to Use Popsicle Sticks in Small Reading Groups

Popsicle sticks are a wonderful tool to use in your classroom! They’re inexpensive and easy to prep for instruction. Plus, they’re “ready to use” at a moment’s notice! You can use them for multiple activities, and students will love how interactive these simple wooden sticks are. Try out the following popsicle stick activities to make your…

3 Quick Fluency Assessments to Drive Instruction

Beyond the One Minute Read: 3 Easy and Quick Assessments to Dig Deeper Into Fluency

So, you’ve completed a one-minute fluency assessment with your class, and more than likely, it highlighted a few “red flag” results that you can’t ignore. Now what? It’s time to dig deeper and figure out if it’s actually fluency that’s the issue (maybe), or if there’s an underlying problem that’s causing the fluency issues (probably)….

Expression Sticks for Fluency

Add Fluency Fun to Your Literacy Centers with DIY Expression Sticks

Do you use literacy centers in your classroom? Literacy centers are the perfect way for students to practice various reading skills throughout the year. The quick activities provide opportunities to spiral in skills you’ve already covered and foundation skills your students need a little extra practice with. Plus, it gives YOU the time to do…

One Minute Fluency Assessments - MsJordanReads

Reading Fluency “Pulse Checks” Using a One-Minute Read

As we all know, time is valuable, especially at the beginning of the year, which is why quick and easy assessments are KEY! The goal is to identify student strengths and weaknesses so that you can create an individual or small group intervention plan. Progress monitoring is also be essential, as you’ll want to continually monitor…

Classroom Tips for Implementing Successful Fluency Interventions

Classroom Tips for Implementing Successful Fluency Interventions

Do you have students who struggle with fluency? Do you feel like you don’t have enough time in the day to “fit it all in”? If you’re a classroom teacher or interventionist, I know how precious time can be. Our days are jam-packed and every minute of the day is carved out and accounted for,…