Help your students develop a Growth Mindset for Reading! These classroom resources and activities are perfect for teaching students the power of a positive mindset. With a Growth Mindset for Reading, students will become more confident, strategic readers and can develop tools to grow as readers throughout the year.

Developing a Growth Mindset for Reading

“I’m not a good reader.” “I hate reading.” “I’ll never get better at reading.” I am a Reading Specialist in a Title I school, and too often, these are the words I hear from my students. The reality is… my students struggle, every single one of them. Working in a remedial reading program, it’s hard…

Ideas for using a literacy intervention menu for teaching small groups in the classroom. | Download the FREE forms for planning and tracking interventions used with your small groups. | #readinginterventions #literacyinterventions #readinginstruction #smallgroupreading

3 Ways to Use Intervention Menus for Small Group Reading

How do you plan for your small group instruction? Do you follow a program where all students receive the same strategies, or do you customize the interventions you teach to meet the needs of your students? As a Literacy Specialist, my students are placed into flexible, target-specific reading groups based on multiple assessments at the…

DIY Fluency Jars | Fluency activities to promote reading fluency at home over the summer. Fill the jars with fluency task cards, phrases, sentences, or any independent level text!

DIY Fluency Jars

There are endless opportunities for fun, engaging fluency practice throughout the summer to keep up a child’s reading skills. I especially love DIY literacy projects and activities that I can put together using items found around my home. The best part is… once you create the activities, you can use them all year-long! Fluency Jars…

"My Fluency Flipbook" is great for teaching and reviewing the components of reading fluency in the classroom. Download this free literacy resource for small group instruction, fluency stations, literacy centers, interactive notebooks, reading notebooks, or to send home with students!

Fluency Flipbooks for the Classroom

The Fluency Flipbook is an easy-to-assemble, printable reference guide for the different parts of fluency. Students will love putting together this flipbook as they learn the definitions of each component. This resource would be a great corresponding resource for Fluency Boot Camp! Once you’ve introduced all the parts of fluency, students can use this as a…

5 Summer Activities to Boost Reading Fluency

5 Summer Activities to Boost Reading Fluency

Summer break is a time to recharge, refresh, and relax; however, for many teachers, it’s bittersweet. After an entire year of getting to know your students, guiding them toward personal and academic growth, and investing countless hours helping them to meet their individual learning goals, it’s hard to hand over the reins and stop worrying about their progress. As I wave…

Dreading Summer Regression? All You Need is a Plan! | A blog post sharing ideas for avoiding summer regression. Includes free summer reading planning forms for teachers and parents hoping to avoid the "summer slide."

How to Prevent Summer Regression with a Summer Reading Plan

With summer nearly upon us, it’s time to start thinking about the dreaded summer regression (insert frustrated teacher sigh); however, the summer slide doesn’t have to be a reality for every student. Encourage parents to prepare now by developing a summer reading plan, and show them the importance of summer reading so their children don’t lose any of the…